Thursday 5 November 2015

My Big Fat Secret

It’s been some time since I dribbled my musings into a blog and as I sit here tapping this out, I have to say, I’d forgotten how good it feels.

But this post is going to be a little different to my usual style of Dystopic rant. For one, it will be significantly shorter….

In fact, consider this more a preamble to a short film I’d like to show you, made with the help of my good friends, Kristi Collard, Simon Joanes, Scott Johnson and Emma Francis – to whom I am deeply grateful.

When Kristi first asked me to join forces with her and enter the short film competition that my company runs once a year, I was hugely flattered and only too happy to jump in. Had I known that my involvement would entail me becoming the subject of the piece, I’m not sure I would have been quite so acquiescent.

Honestly, it has been one of the most challenging projects I have ever done.

Nevertheless, with it now shot, cut and poised for its grand unveiling to a roomful of judgey, jaded media types, I’m surprised by how blithely ok I am about it all.

You see, the whole process has been a wonderful opportunity for me to face something that I have spent most of my life running away from. A shameful thing that I keep tucked away and buried…deep.

Laying it out for all to see in this film has been a form of mental surgery. Like excavating a monster. And now that it’s out, I have this weird sense of completion. Like a heavy weight has been lifted. And all the suffering I went through was for a reason - to serve me and deliver me to this point. Right here. Today.

Whether you think me brave or downright barmy, this film has helped me to make peace with myself…to move on…and my hope is that it might also elicit an alchemic reaction and turn my poison into medicine for others.

To wit, I now present you with my ‘shame baby’, of which, ironically, I’m enormously proud…


  1. This is just great, i wonder how you manage to be so cool when you write your content every single time. i'm really impressed! lots of love and hugs from pakistan.

  2. You are really a passionate about your work. You worked really hard for just a film role. Put alot of fat for film role is not an easy decison because putting fat is easy but to lose it thats the toughest job. But you are too brave.
